Found 2 blog entries tagged as interest rate update.

Fed Approves Record Rate Hike

As I've been telling you all, the Federal Reserve is going to continue to increase rates this year and boy did they ever last week. They had the highest interest rate hike that they've had in over 28 years of 0.75%. They did this because of a consumer price index and inflation numbers that they saw just a couple of weeks ago. 

After the Fed made this announcement on Wednesday, interest rates actually started to decrease from the high. The high actually got on Monday and Tuesday as high as in the mid 6% ranges but after Wednesday and then by the end of the week, they started to come down into the high 5%. The reason for that is the market already priced in that rate increase and they also priced in a little bit of…

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2022 Interest Rate Update

Interest rates are starting to not only level off but decline for the first time in 2022. How did this happen when the Federal Reserve just raised rates? For a little background, rates have increased 2% this year from 3.409% to as high as 5.593%. For the week ending May 20th, rates were down to 5.46% on an average 30 year mortgage, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association.

Rates started increasing rapidly this year as the Fed backtracked on its previous federal funds rate hike plans. The federal funds rate  is the rate at which commercial banks borrow and lend to each other overnight. It’s not the same thing as a 30 year mortgage rate but it does impact mortgage rates.

The other thing that impacted rates was…

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