Huntsville’s Hometown Team – Huntsville Havoc
Posted by Matt Curtis on
The Auburn-Alabama Football fan feud is one of both viciousness and camaraderie. Much, I am led to believe, like the bickering of siblings. It is mostly good clean fun…mostly. Regardless of which of our football teams you cheer for during the season, or lament the dragging days of their off-season their is no denying the importance of sports in regard to southern culture. While those are our two most recognizable teams in the state, we in the Rocket City have another team: The Huntsville Havoc. Hockey is not the most obvious choice in the south. It’s hot pretty much all off the time, and ours is more commonly a warm Christmas than a white Christmas, but that is what makes the Huntsville Havoc such an exciting experience. There are not many place in…
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